Yesterday was the anniversary of joining the RCMP. I can remember the day, April 24, 1989, 0:600 am leaving my baby daughter sleeping in her crib. It was one of hardest moment to see her sleeping soundly, knowing when she woke up, I would be gone. What would she think, how would she feel? Would she forget her momma? It had been a painful decision and one that could change our lives. Training was to be six months and at that time as a single mother on welfare, had no money to fly home to visit. Children are resilient and months seem like days if they are happy. However, becoming a RCMP officer there was the hope of financial security, adventure and opportunity to build a better life.
I had no idea that 20 years would be filled with harassment, bullying, intimidation, conflict, stress, depression and violence. I had no idea! If someone would have said ‘hey Sherry this is what your career will look like’ I wonder what I would have thought.

Yet here I am all these years later living with PTSD and happy. Why? I am thankful for who I am today, I really like who I am today. I have a voice. We are who we are from life events and the RCMP has helped the journey to FIND MY VOICE. The choices, the consequences, the learning and pain are all part of who we become. Our scars remind us where we have been but do not have to define our future. Sometimes life is a struggle even today and there are triggering events, yet with a the right tools and strategies and a positive attitude….. there is love and happiness. Yes I have much to be thankful and the bullying has been part of the road from despair to empowerment.

On April 27, 2017, I am presenting at the Moving Up Network luncheon Perkins Restaurant, 2675 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg. 12-1 pm. Learn how I moved from Despair to empowerment.