From the Globe and Mail May 15, 2017.
Finally, and I say finally, there will be significant changes in the RCMP. Proper equipment to keep our officers safe. Addressing the mental health aspect of the officers who are suffering by providing the supports needed. What do I hope to see change in the RCMP? The days of one leader are over, each province is responsible for their Division. Separate civilian board to monitor and support new Commissioner. The Commissioner who in my opinion, needs to be from another police agency. Continued training and education on respectful workplace with strict enforcement.
“Bullying and harassment remain serious problems within the RCMP, and only major changes to the way the national police force is run will make a difference, says a national watchdog.
In a report today, the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP says the force lacks both the will and the capacity to address the challenges that afflict its workplaces.”
“The commission recommends hiring more civilian expertise within the force. But it also calls for basic structural change, such as:
– a model that leaves administrative and financial matters to civilians, and operational issues to RCMP commanders;
– division of responsibility between a civilian commissioner and a uniformed chief of department, like the New York police; or
– a civilian board of management that would provide general direction to the RCMP and enhance public accountability.

These words echo across the country. The tide of change has arrived on the shores of the RCMP and nothing can stop it. Finally and again I say finally, time to begin the journey of healing for victims past and present. The next generation and all Canadians are going to benefit as we move forward.