While attending university one of the professors shared a story on the importance of testimony. He had been involved in the UN documenting the violence overseas. He explained the need for victims to be heard and have a voice. His job was to take statements from victims. He was surprised that an old man who had travelled for days risking life and limb by going into the war zone just to provide a documented statement. When asked why risk his life? The old man replied, ‘I want the world to know that this is what happened to me.’ He gave his statement and journeyed home.
For victims, finding the courage to share their story is part of taking back their power. To Feel safe to share out loud ‘this is who I am, what happened to me, this the damage and what I need to heal.
‘ http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/truth-and-reconciliation-commission-findings-slated-for-release-1.2402093