Can there be an opportunity for new learning, career or job change during the Covid 19 crisis?
I say yes. One hour at a time.
Self isolation, self quarantine is being self responsible and community responsible.
We may not be in a regular workplaces, with the people that we have spent eight hours a day with five days a week, for months, or years maybe even decades. Our workplace now are the four walls in our house. Our new workmates are the family and children. It can seem stifling after a few weeks, we may miss or may not miss our colleagues. We have a choice here, to take this is an opportunity for self reflection on your relationships, family, friends and your workplace relationships. What will the future look like for you if you return to the same workplace? Is there going to be a workplace? Is it a time for change, training, a new career? Am I forced to make that work transition? Has Covid 19 eliminated my job? Are there other mitigating factors such as bullying? Many questions.
In other-words if you had an unhealthy workplace before this world wide crisis, you will probably have the same unhealthy workplace.The stress, harassment and bullying experienced before the days, weeks and months of self isolation is going to happen again.
Can people change after this Covid 19 nightmare? Maybe, but most likely negative toxic people stay constant. Without self accountability/responsibility and professional help behaviours do not change.
Ask yourself do I want to go back to the same kind of workplace, do I want to have the same kind of relationship if I am not happy, healthy and safe?
Only you can answer those questions. And only you can begin something creative and positive for the other side of this isolation.
Understandably personal safety is paramount and violence at home can be a reality for many coping with limited freedoms. Always remember no one has the right to abuse you at home or in the workplace. Shelters are open if needed and there are virtual supports, Suicide Prevention and KIDS hotline.
Look at it as a chance to do something innovative to be successful happy and safe on the other side, in both your relationships and your workplace. Imaginative tools and strategies for self empowerment , finding your voice and speaking up at home and in the workplace.
Happiness and success looks and feels different for everyone. How you define it will look different from the person you live with and the people you work with.
What productive ways am I filling my time? Well, Monday to Friday are work days And I continue to do blogs, have meetings online, enjoy writing, ensuring some form of fitness, using resourceful ideas in pivoting my career.
Although many workplaces have shut down, and people are in self isolation, social distancing, as a speaker there is no work. Finding productive and original platforms for a career pivot in how helping people can be achieved in the virtual world. It is enjoyable, different and yet satisfying to help folks navigate this crisis, to find ways to stay positive at home, value their voice and think about the future. It can feel uncertain and scary. It is never too late to learn about the importance of sharing tools/strategies for self care and good mental health.
The only person you can change is you and the only person you can make happy is you. That means you have an opportunity to self reflect, self grow, not self shame on what your future will look like in any workplace. This is an opportunity to learn something new, to be willing to try something new for work and self growth.
We are in this together. Never give up.
Stay positive and stay safe.