Time to talk about how COVID-19 social isolation has an impact on everyone’s mental health!
During this time of social distancing, isolation, feelings of being stuck in the house by yourself or with family members, day in and day out, week after week and the uncertainty of ‘when’ this will end. All this affects our mental health. And none of us is immune from having to experience and deal with this type of unprecedented global pandemic.
Comfort zone and stress/conflict!
Everyone has their comfort zone in dealing with stress/conflict. None of us grew up with perfect parents who had perfect parenting skills and effective healthy ways to deal with anxiety, stress, conflict and depression. But that doesn’t mean we have to repeat them. You have a choice. The good news is we can change those unhealthy and destructive patterns by getting out of our comfort zone.
It’s up to each of us today, to learn better ways of coping with stress, anxiety, conflict and depression, improve strategies for self-care and show our children the importance of taking care of their mental health all their lives.
Everyone has their comfort zone in dealing with stress.
None of us grew up with perfect parents who told us effective healthy ways to deal with anxiety, stress, and depression. It’s up to us today to learn better ways of coping, strategies for self-care and show our children the importance of taking care of their mental health all their lives.
During this time of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, we can feel like we’re getting nowhere fast. And yet we can shift gears. If we let fear stop us we would never have learned how to walk as babies.
Be curious about what makes you feel happy, content, energize, and most importantly empowered. Learn your self-care style and what works for you. We are all unique. As we age, our self-care ideas may change but the important thing is to recognize what you need to do to be happy and this is for all your life not just today. Happiness is a choice. How we get through the darkest hours depends so much on her attitude and our ability to create self-care tools.
It is important to share with others the importance of our mental health.
Ignoring the stress and depression we are experiencing during this time, it’s like ignoring a cancerous growth. It is not going to disappear and go away. We need to address the changes in life, the new long term reality and the impact on ourselves, relationships and children.
Yes, our children view the world from the innocence of child-like eyes and limited knowledge based on their life experiences. Often unable to effectively express how much trauma, fear and anxiety they are experiencing during the weeks of social isolation. The younger the child the more misunderstandings are likely to occur.
No one can confirm the long term affect and as parents/caregivers if we are concerned then asking questions from a mental health professional gives us the tools to provide that safe space, a sense of reassurance that life is going to be okay!
Everyone has their own life experiences /life lens/map of reality which makes us unique.
This means, that everybody is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in their way. Each of us is doing the best we can considering the challenges of social d avoiding physical contact, isolation, emotional stress and economical strains. Coping successfully really depends on your attitude and self-care tool kit.
As week after week blends together it’s up to each of us in how we choose to live each day. As role models, this can reassure our children.
Keep a routine of healthy nonjudgmental communication within your family, friends and co-workers.
Get out of your comfort zone by knocking down old ‘walls’ thought patterns in dealing with stress, conflict, anxiety during the COVID-19. Rebuild bridges of understanding and compassion within the walls of your home. Never give up on expanding the comfort zone in life.
Yes, you can. We are all in this together.