What can I do to move forward in life?
What can you do to move forward in life? Moving forward will look and feel different for each of us. Understanding when and how are sometimes elusive. Often we have to rethink our patterns of behaviour, what is not working, why or why not, what is working and what can we change.
Easier said than done, yet not impossible. Moving forward from any negative experience, or thought patterns, and changing our lifestyle to one of better health, both physically and mentally sometimes means we have to clean house. This may require leaving toxic people behind.
From the article in Forbes: 13 Ways to Overcome Negative Thought Patterns
For example; It’s OK to have negative thoughts, but set up specific time limits on how much energy you will focus on negative things in life, past and present. Ask yourself why waste an entire day thinking about sad or negative events? Set up a specific amount of time and stick to it. Then turn those negative thoughts into positive intentions. Be kind to yourself. I like to journal as a way of focussing on what’s going on that I have control over and what I don’t have control over. Learn to appreciate yourself, life and love. Be honest with yourself. What are the benefits am staying stuck in my pain and misery?
Establish new positive patterns of behaviour. Be mindful of what you were watching and reading every day. I like to put little Post-it notes around the house, even in my car that have positive affirmations.
Create a positive routine for life, make it a daily goal to do certain positive things that make you feel happy and energetic.
Try to have an attitude of gratitude,
and be aware of when those negative thoughts become sticky thoughts. To maintain that sense of inner peace. I like to include anything that’s in my self-care tool kit and recently added yoga which helps with centring and maintaining that inner calm.
On our journey of moving forward in life, there are choices we have to make. Ask yourself ’Where do you want to live?’ ‘Who do I want in my life?’ Hopefully, we grow as we age, from our experiences and learn better ways to live, love and communicate. The good news is that we can start anytime in life. It’s never too late. Believe in yourself.
It’s a choice if you want to live in the past,
or find your creative ways to let go and move forward. If everything you’re doing in life is working for you then there’s no need to move forward. However, it’s been my experience that most people want to keep moving forward to success and happiness especially once they recognize unhealthy and negative thought patterns. Yes, you can do it, be patient and keep moving forward. It is like baby steps.
Moving forward and changing negative thought patterns is not only in our relationships with our family, friends and partners but also in our workplace. Think about how you react and respond to different events and crises that happen with your family, friends, partner and in the workplace.
What’s working and what’s not? Is there something you can change, what is in your control what is not in your control?
Understanding that motivation is not necessarily something external. It is a choice you have the power to create positive changes in yourself. The idea is to be aware, ask those tough questions, create self-care tools and strategies never give up.
What can you do to move forward in life? Be willing to create those positive changes. Life is so much better when we live a positive mindset, with boundaries (on people, behaviours you accept and behaviours you will not accept), self-care (create the self-care tools that make you feel happy, energized, confident and like who you are ) learn to hang out with other like-minded positive folks.
The journey is worth it, you are worth it!