Why is it important to get counseling?
What can Star Agassi Consulting do for you?
Why did I create Star Agassi Consulting?
Over the years I have often been asked ‘why would you want to help people deal with workplace bullying after such terrible experiences?’ A great question. Everyone has their own challenges. Everyone has their own life story this means we can edit and change how our story ends. The answer is simple, by sharing my story what happened to me during 20 years of workplace bullying, sexual harassment and other violence in the RCMP, by sharing the self-care tools and strategies created over the years to survive and then thrive will help other people not to feel so alone and hopeless. They can also change their own story to one of success and happiness. People won’t have to suffer as I did, that is an important part of moving forward.
If I can help one person survive, thrive and be successful from workplace bullying
then the work I am doing is worth it. How much is a life worth? Your life is precious and priceless. Saying nothing then I am part of the problem. Speaking up is something I’ve been doing for years and no one was listening. That sense of helplessness that sense of failure from leadership, the silence of bystanders can leave one feeling hopeless, scared, and alone. Why would I want to see other people suffer as I did? There is no way I would want any other work environment to become toxic, unhealthy, and violent because we only create more victims. More damaged relationships, ruined careers, depression, suicide, and other sad endings.
Sharing the experience of standing on the precipice of suicide, a handful of sleeping pills just wanting to sleep and feel no pain/nothing ( was terrifying ) not thinking this was the end. Thankfully having a sober second thought took the life-saving step back into wanting to survive. Then deciding I did not want to just survive, I also wanted to thrive. The journey began all those years ago.
The years of violence take a toll on victims.
I speak personally on the damage it does to your physical and mental health, not to mention your quality of work, all relationships personal and professional. Workplace bullying, harassment and other violence eventually ripple into all aspects of the victim’s lives. Violence in the workplace does not stop at the parking lot. It’s incredibly destructive and can create lifelong trauma many never recover from. Most folks are completely unaware of how damaging this can be to their life. Creating awareness can give hope for change.
Having been diagnosed with depression and PTSD it was important to continue to be on the journey of recovery and navigate my own success story. Creating Star Agassi Consulting has been a fantastic inspiring, and also empowering journey for me too. Empowering for the victims but also empowering for leadership and management when they are willing to address workplace bullying, harassment, and complaints. Again it’s been my experience working with those in positions of power who have no leadership skills where the perpetrators of the bullying are in fact part of the problem, by condoning or failing to respond to the grievances and complaints sets up a domino effect of destruction for the victim and workplace.
My motto has always been if no one says anything then nothing changes.
The silence of bystanders can be deafening. There is so much power in your voice, and speaking up. Star Agassi consulting is the beginning for some in finding their voice to speak up and begin the journey of changing their own story. So exciting!
The flip side of the negative experiences is the beauty of living through pain and trauma, our boundaries become crystal clear with a sharpened sense of people’s true motives. Being aware of our inner ‘spidey’ sense when people step over our boundaries. It is amazing moving from that negative place to the place of empowerment. Yes, it is a continuous journey.
It’s incredibly rewarding to see people who have been struggling with workplace bullying and harassment, find their voice and emerge from that trauma with a sense of self-compassion, establishing boundaries, self-care tools, feelings of empowerment, and education on defining what constitutes workplace violence and knowing they are going to move forward to success. We cannot deny or change our past but we can control how we respond, react and what we retain.
Counseling is a journey of more than 12 appointments. It is a self-discovery of our past to adjust our future. If you don’t know any other way of thinking and doing then most likely we repeat these same negative patterns of behaviour and thinking. Our fear can keep us stuck. We have the ability, each of us to change our future. To edit and change how our own story ends.
Life has been painful, traumatic for many years, and through that pain, I created Star Agassi Consulting to help those who may not be aware of the impact of our past on our TODAYS! For those who need to see how someone else in similar shoes became empowered. To share these tools and strategies, to educate about the damage of workplace bullying, sexual harassment, and other violence, and to empower themselves to create a happy life. Personally, I would not change my life in any way!
Life is about moments of happiness and love,
ask yourself are you stuck, why do stay stuck, what is keeping you from moving forward in life? Only you can change you and only you can make yourself happy.
I am thankful for this journey. The best parts of us come from the most difficult experiences and people that challenge us the most. For this reason, I feel incredibly thankful for the ‘good’ things discovered in that trauma and pain. ‘Finding meaning in that suffering’ Viktor Frankl. It is important to remember that we are totally responsible for everything we think, feel, say and do or do not do. That is empowering! You can be on this journey.