If you think the RCMP was the only police force with problems of sexual harsasment, bullying, retaliation and other abuse, think again. In the article below Calgary City Police have the same workplace culture:
“An internal workplace review of the Calgary Police Service has revealed claims of sexual assault, sexual harassment, bullying and intimidation, and a workplace culture that’s left some officers too fearful to formally complain. The review, completed in 2013 and obtained by Postmedia, further details how the culture makes men and women often feel punished when they bring issues forward, or even when they request flexible work schedules. Some women also reported feeling their chances for promotion were lost when they became pregnant. “Both males and females shared instances of workplace bullying and harassment,” according to the human resources report, written by an independent auditor. “Both men and women reported they did not bring these concerns forward in any formal way because the culture is one of intimidation and retaliation.” ”
Not much surprise when victims admit that they are terrified and in some cases told by the perpetrator not to make complaints because nothing would be done. That fear is intensified when they see what happens to other officers and support staff. According to the review, this is not a gender issue, the workplace culture affects both men and women. The reality is fear of retribution, stalled careers and continued bullying. Why does it take so long for management to ‘get it’ and buy into the benefits of a respectful workplace? What is wrong with the leadership and those who enforce the policies? How can victims trust management?
“When I joined the job, the people I worked with made it clear that reporting behaviour that you were offended by was not acceptable and would only ruin your career,” said the officer. “I have spent most of my career terrified that if I complain, or even am vocal about these things, that I will be the one in trouble.”
I can remember the first time speaking up and the results of covert bullying and shunning. A polarized work environment, them against me.