I am proud to be Canadian and proud of the local and international support for the victims of the Quebec shooting and all who reject the draconian and current political climate of the US leadership.
After years of experience and dealing with bullying my internal bully alarm is sending warning signals. The serious problem with leaders and managers who are bully’s is that the message ripples down to everyone who is inclined to reject anyone who is not ‘like’ them. These attitudes include intolerance, misogyny, racism, homophobia and other forms of separating them from ‘the other’.
In my opinion the actions taken by Donald Trump and Steven K. Bannon are directly responsible for the attack in Quebec City by their racial incitement. The Trump administration is desperate for a terrorist attack to occur against American citizens somewhere, anywhere to justify their racial hatred beliefs. Any Canadian who even tacitly supports Donald Trump or his politics is knowingly or unknowingly the very authoritarian fascism that our fathers and grandfathers fought against on European soil generations ago.
If no one says anything, if no one speaks up, the victims remain silent then nothing changes. Love trumps hate. We are more alike than different folks!