Nursing hate for 50 years has kept it alive. Not effective or empowering for both nations.
Read MoreBullying the sick and wounded
While on medical leave from workplace harassment a retired RCMP Inspector went to my doctor demanding medical information and information on my mental health. This Inspector said we were friends. I had never shared a coffee with this police Inspector. Thankfully my doctor, notified me of this intimidation. I wrote about this in my book […]
Read Morekilling of school children cowardly act
As a parent there are no words to express the sadness to this senseless slaughter of innocent children. A cowardly act by uneducated lunatics who target the most vulnerable.
Read MoreEffective communication and safety.
It is important to balance effective communication and safety. We cannot arm chair police decision making, however, strategies may be needed to improve communication.…/irene-josephs-takedown-by-…/ar-BBgM7nV…
Read MoreA young victim of a vicious assault speaks of forgivenss
A brave young woman and victim of a vicious assault speaks of forgiveness. Heros are people faced with extraordinary tragedy but some how manage to over come all odds and maintain a love of humanity.Her message of love, kindness, respect and forgiveness are words to inspire all societies
Read MoreTaking back your power from sexual harassment.
It takes courage to challenge the abuser who is in a power position. The more people who speak up on sexual harassment the better for many victims who continue to remain silent with fear. Once you know something you cannot unknow it.
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