It seems in the news every day in some part of the world ‘our community’ is under attack. Now we all have a different sense of what ‘our community’ is made of, the people, the places and the values are an example.
The attack in Orlando, the attack in Dallas, the attack in Paris, the attack a police officer’s, the attack on black individuals,the attack on women, the attack against Western values.
From my experience with the LGBTQ community and people in my life that I love dearly, I become part of that community. As a mother, sister, wife,friend the terrible loss in senseless police shootings makes me part of that community of family . As a police officer whose job was to serve and protect all civilians, I am part of the community that was under attack. As a Canadian who values freedom, democracy, and the respect of all Canadians from all parts of the world I am part of that community. As A person who has lived with and understands mental health I am part of that community.
The point of this blog is to bring awareness that we all identify whether we realize it or not with different communities. My hope is that we identify with the humanity of all the communities. Think of how you identify and how there is a need to include all communities to create and foster better understanding.