Our attitudes create our own reality.
So much of our daily life is a result of our attitude. Positive people are fun to be with, they empower, encourage, share their feelings of joy and we feel good hanging out with this type of person/people. On the polar opposite, a negative attitude, well, we all know what that looks like and feels like. Someone who is never happy, repeated failed relationships, repeated poor business decisions and yet blames everyone else for their misery. Recognize anyone? Trying to help them is impossible because you cannot change anyone, no amount of help is going to make them feel happy or fulfilled, it is a bottomless pit of despair. The only thing we have complete control over is our attitude. Yes we can adjust our attitude, change ourselves and that my friend takes work. Moan groan people rarely do the work so they remain in that pit.
Never happy!
Hanging around the moan groan society suck out happiness and we are left feeling tired, empty and more depressed. A negative attitude is like a virus. Think about it!
Imagine the solution to solve the problem is quarantine the person! Either get out of the relationship, business deal and set firm boundaries with them or become part of their problem and suffer.
Negative thinkers, bullies, controlling, cranky people are ’emotionally ill’.
From the book “The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. A virus. Unseen, it enters your pores without warning spreading silently and slowly. Before you are aware of the infection, it is deep inside you.”
Which means when you let yourself be drawn into the life, relationships, business deals with people who have a negative, very convincing, forceful and destructive patterns of behaviour we are often unaware until it is too late. “Oh but he/she seemed so nice.” “He/she convinced me it was a good deal.” Been down that road and it was awful.
People can change but it takes EFFORT! Think of Osmosis
“Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules through a semi-permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration, in the direction that tends to equalize the solute concentrations on the two sides.” For example, a negative person in the company of positive people will be drawn into the positive mood, feelings and company. Same for the reverse. Hugging is a perfect example, those feel good emotions being hugged.
Take the time to reflect on your own attitude, decision process, any negative patterns and what you think you deserve in life. Make the choice to learn a positive attitude and enjoy the beauty of life.