Enough is enough with bullying, abuse of power, breach of privacy, intimidation. It is the lie, deny and act surprised when caught RCMP mentality. Fess up Insp be accountable. We all make mistakes. The difference between a mistake and a bully is with intent. Your comments were ‘a slap in the face’ to victims who speak up about harassment and bullying. At what point did you speak up? If the top ranking officers are bullying then the message is clear to all employees that this is a bullying organization. Enough is enough, this is after all 2016!
“An RCMP inspector is being accused of continuing harassment of former corporal Catherine Galliford, even after the force settled her sexual harassment lawsuit, according to two complaints that have been filed about the inspector’s social media posts.”
According to Cst. Alice Fox, “has also filed a harassment suit with the force and has appeared in an anti-bullying video for the RCMP.” “This behaviour must be stopped. The only way to stop it is to acknowledge it, and have consequence,” she said. RCMP officers can be disciplined for what they post on social media, or for speaking publicly without authorization. But a spokesperson for the force says they cannot say whether Gray is being investigated, citing the Privacy Act. A member must consider whether social media posts will compromise their integrity and credibility, that of their colleagues or of the RCMP” said Sgt. Harold Pfleiderer in a statement to CBC News.”
How many complaints have to be filed before the message sinks in? How much money will be paid out in lawsuits for harassment? How many victims need to suffer? The immediate backlash of complaints, in my opinion, should have been a wake up call for Commissioner Paulson to provide leadership and insist Insp Gray apologize publicly. In the world of social media any comment/blog/post/like/Tweet is in the public domain. I hope that Insp Gray shows leadership qualities by being accountable. I praise Ms. Galliford and anyone else who speaks up about workplace bullying and harassment. This is after all, 2016 where a respectful violent free workplace is supposed to be the fabric of Canadian culture.In case there are any complaints about this blog, I take full responsibility for all errors and gladly apologize for mistakes or hurt feelings, that was not my intent.