We will all have our own opinion on this story and the use of the internet, social media and other freedoms of expression in the global world. However, when that freedom and the use of our Canadian laws is allowed to be part of a hateful and destructive campaign against another person then something is seriously wrong. My first impression is this is a creative form of cyber bullying. http://nobullying.com/cyber-law/
Violence against women can be both physical and mental. Mental abuse, threats, intimidation whether inside the home or inside the world of social media is still violence and therefore be treated as such by our Criminal Courts.
Clearly this man may be experiencing undiagnosed mental health problems that perhaps medication and/or intense therapy would be of benefit. As parents our job is to lead by example for our children. To be loving, curious of the world, honest, kind, compassionate, forgiving, generous and helpful to name a few. These are attributes we hope our children will learn to embrace and value as they become adults. Sadly the message and his example of adulthood is filled with hate, revenge and disproportionate anger. These emotions left unchecked are unhealthy for anyone.
If our government both Provincial and Federal fail to react, then sadly the message to victims of today and tomorrow is we in Canada do nothing to protect you. By Speaking up and taking action the message to perpetrators is that any form of violence against women,anyone, will not be tolerated and you will face criminal charges. The internet has no borders, no fences to keep people out or in. Therefore the laws need to protect people on both sides of the computer screen. I would hope our Canadian society understands the long term implications of this violent vendetta on the future of other victims.