There is no need to point fingers. Yes…. everyone knows the RCMP has a ‘problem’ and ‘oh the shame of it’  with its workplace culture of bullying and harassment.  Yet with  changes in the RCMP Act, added Respectful policies,         400 women in a class action lawsuit, dozens of independent  lawsuits, grievances, hundreds of officers suffering from PTSD or  on sick leave,             who really knows how many complaints of sexual misconduct or harassment  etc.  Two Senate Committee Reports were released  in  2014  (One – Conduct Unbecoming: Why the Royal Canadian Mounted Police must transform its Culture,  Second – Shattered Dreams: Addressing Harassment and Systemic Discontent within the RCMP, )  with testimony from victims, experts and excellent recommendations on how to change this same culture of protectiveness but nothing seems to have been implemented.  How many RCMP officers, civilian members need to be victims before something effective is actually enforced?  For the record there are good officers who want to do the right thing but are in a bad dysfunctional system.

Since 1998 this has been an issue I had wanted to  be addressed shining a light on this very problem and  to encourage people to speak up because if no one says anything then NOTHING changes. This ‘problem’ is costing lives, careers, damage to reputation and finally the taxpayer with years of sick leave and lawsuits.   I am not sure it is effective hiring ex RCMP officers to be part of the Commissioners master plan of multidisciplinary group.

“The review of the explosives training unit will investigate new allegations of misconduct and harassment as well as broader allegations about management decisions that led to a toxic workplace, staffing and concerns about safety on the range where college instructors trained bomb technicians.   “We’re going to have this multidisciplinary team that’s composed of HR (human resources) experts, of discipline experts, of conduct experts, overseen by an independent observer who will ask all these questions, timeline all these decisions,” Paulson told a committee of MPs this week.He added the team will also be tasked with, “Making sure the victims and the complainants are properly attended to.” The team will also include Assistant Commissioner Steve White, former commanding officer for the RCMP in Ontario who was recently promoted to be the Mounties’ associate chief human resources officer.  “”

The victims are still waiting.