The House of Commons Committee on the Status of Women is recommending that all judges and RCMP officers take training on gender-based violence and sexual assault. About time! Improved training in court proceedings and interviewing techniques by police will help victims as they deal with the trauma of gender-based violence and sexual assault.
“Other recommendations include working with the provinces and territories to figure out how to require all colleges and universities to set up sexual assault centres and exploring whether the Criminal Code needs to explicitly include cyberviolence and online harassment, so long as it would not violate charter-protected freedom of speech.”
““Acts of gender-based violence can prevent young women and girls from leading fulfilling lives as equal members of Canadian society,” the committee said in a statement accompanying the release of the report on Monday. “Young women and girls who are victimized experience both immediate and long-term physical and mental-health problems, reduced economic and social prosperity and lasting pain and suffering,” the statement said.”
As a victim, I understand how the police can fail victims and further victimize.
From my book FIND YOUR VOICE , “Not addressing the trauma keeps victims in a silent shame, paralyzed and muted.” Life can become a miserable existence. Triggers can last for years and for some, debilitating.