Let’s talk mental health and depression. No one likes to talk about it but let’s talk. In order to survive years of workplace bullying, stress and mental health I had to develop tools to survive, what I refer to as my self care tool kit. Self care tool kit looks different for everyone. Fill your life with tools and strategies that can help with depression, stress and the everyday busy life. Last month I released my book FIND YOUR VOICE – surviving workplace conflict, which provides ideas, lessons and strategies to that I created over the years that helped when dealing with mental health, workplace stress and depression.
Like spending time with positive people not the moan groan society. Develop a healthy lifestyle with some sort of fitness which helps your body and with sleep. Fitness is my number one go to when I feel stressed, anxious and sad. Write out a few positive messages and leave them in the bathroom and in the car so that if you feel less than happy take a look at the positive words ‘I am good’, ‘I am smart’. Try it? It works. Read books and watch movies that make you feel good, laugh or cry. Humour is in my genes as I grew up watching the old black and white and re-runs of Carol Burnett Show and I love Lucy and British mystery. Write out a journal of things you are happy about today and what you would like in the future. Draw, colour or paint. Life is a canvas, a gift, so live in technicolor. Travel and learn about the world. Go back to school. It is never too late to try something new. Speak up and seek out positive supports. A positive attitude and social affiliation gives us resilience in life.
My self care tool kit.