What are your personal and professional reflections in 2020?
Reflection of 2020.
Someone recently asked me about my business and what it was like to work under the Covid cloud as a professional motivational speaker and workplace consultant. At first, my reaction was ‘it bloody sucked.’
Then upon taking a few more minutes in reflecting…….
In January 2020 my plans for 2020 were completely different than what occurred during the year. I had several conferences set up on the international stage. I was looking forward to traveling to Europe. Several opportunities to speak in Canada. No one expected the Covid -19 pandemic to grip the entire nation, the entire world with devastating sickness, loss of income, and tragic deaths. Many businesses were ruined. I watched family and friends struggle with the loss of employment. The devastating financial impact on every individual small business owner.
They were parts of 2020 that really sucked. And for a few moments, there were times I too had a sense of desperation and hopelessness as the goal post for the end of the pandemic seemed to be moved farther and farther back. Out of reach in ending the crisis. Each day was fluid in new restrictions and requirements for all communities. The sadness watching the countries that did not take COVID-19 seriously, with consequences of misery and death that followed that poor leadership.
Reflections of 2020 have also given me a sense of hope. I think it’s really important for our mental health, to focus on the good the bad, and the hopeful in life. This is what gives us the resilience to bounce back from the COVID 19 pandemic as we move into 2021.
Ask yourself how do I want to start my 2021? What will that look like for me in life, my family, and most importantly for your own business? We cannot change the current reality so we have to adjust and pivot wherever possible for success and finding happiness.
Really important to acknowledge your wins, your accomplishments, and the journey to December 31.
What are some of the lessons learned during isolation? Were my courage and perseverance tested and how did I overcome the difficulties? Yes, I did have a COVID meltdown at home. Felt that frustration of foggy glasses wearing a mask every day. Yet thankful for not having to wear it all day like so many dedicated front line workers! For me, I learned the importance of kindness to others and also kindness to myself as the business took a huge pivot downward.
The standard of my work, as a workplace consultant/motivational speaker, was not diminished in value because there were limited opportunities to speak, no merely it was about valuing our work on a different stage.
The Virtual Stage has its advantages.
Limited costs and travel and hotel expenses required for speakers and training sessions. Greater reach and access for attracting a larger audience. It has been a new experience with no live audience.
The value and quality of the service did not change only the type of presentation, from one stage to the virtual stage.
Reflection of 2020 I realize how much fun I can at home. WorkinWorking from home, I
Have a computer will travel. The adjustments for me were relatively easy compared to many people who suddenly were confined to your home, added to that parenting requirement, homeschooling, and limited access to supports.
Reflection on 2020 is I am going to have lots of time and fun with my husband when he decides to retire. We can do many activities, fun things together at home. We both like cooking. Working from home was part of my day during these many months we started doing those little things together and sharing in the tasks. Taking French and Italian cooking lessons is something we are looking forward to enjoying.
If we take the time to reflect on 2020 we must acknowledge the strange reality. There will be good times and there will be bad times. It is okay not to be okay at this time of year. Like many of us Christmas is a time of joy and for many with limited funds and access to supports, not a joyous time. The idea is that as 2020 comes to a conclusion, 2021 in the New Year. It is like an empty book. You can look back, reflect, take the lessons and not the pain, see the goodness, not the sadness, and find a way for hope and happiness in 2021.
I am hopeful and looking forward to the 2021 adventures knowing that we can make it a personal and professional success.