24K The Power of Healing Your Energy, Christine Gold, a Spiritual Medium, Intuitive Energy Coach & Old Soul Healer.
Season 2 – Episode 7: The Power of finding your voice! Sherry Benson-Podolchuk
The Power of Healing Your Energy. Is all about unconditional love, your light, your intuition, your soul’s purpose! Depression and Anxiety are a side effect of not living intuitively, not trusting your gut, the lost connections with your higher self and others! “YOUR SOULS PURPOSE IS HERE!”
Hello empowered Empaths! Christine Gold, a Spiritual Medium, Intuitive Energy Coach & Old Soul Healer.
Christine guides empaths to unleash their gifts as lightworkers that are masked as depression & anxiety. Through that work you will discover that you have always been intuitive, that you have gifts (psychic, medium, empath, healer and more). I was very glad to participate in this Podcast full of value!