Watergate and the Nixon era has always been a fascination. From a historical perspective, I could never understand why the most powerful man in the world, President of the United States, was vindictive, felt insecure about his own abilities and in the loyalty of his men working in the White House. This sense of being all powerful yet paranoia that slowly filtered into his decision making that resulted in public humiliation, criminal behaviours and resignation.
There have been many books written about Nixon and on the burglary at the Democratic Headquarters in the Watergate Hotel, including by Nixon himself. The book “All the President’s Men” by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein became a bestseller and eventually a movie. Alexander Butterfield (former aide to President Nixon) and Bob Woodward have written a book from the evidence and documents Butterfield kept over forty years.
“Butterfield, it turns out, had many more secrets to reveal, many more insights to share. He had walked away from the Nixon White House with boxes and boxes of papers, a trove of handwritten notes from the president, memos on fragile onion skin, invitations. ”
“All that material, so voluminous that Butterfield had to stack some of it in an unused shower stall of his penthouse apartment in La Jolla, lends a historical bedrock to Woodward’s 18th book, to be published Tuesday, “The Last of the President’s Men.” ”
I think it is important to note that we may never fully understand the ‘why’ , but those who have lived it can shed some insight on President Nixon and the working atmosphere of the White House.
You may ask ‘why’ write about it at all? Well from the perspective of recognizing a healthy workplace, the evidence speaks volumes on workplace bullying/intimidation and the culture of the White House. At that time the leadership created a climate ripe for corruption. No one dared to speak up or challenge the leadership. The sense of power, privilege and being above the law mixed with bullying tactics created a climate that fed into the downfall of the President and his men. There are lessons to learn on the importance of effective leadership and a healthy, respectful workplace.