Ignoring problems is not a sign of effective leadership. Lawsuits are a result of complaints being ignored and victims dismissed. New RCMP polices for a respectful work environment is not working when people do not actively enforce the rules. That includes resolving complaints and lawsuits in a timely fashion. From my experience with a toxic bullying workplace good leadership requires a willingness to resolve conflict by addressing the problems and not labeling the victims as the ‘problem’.
Threats and intimidation create an unhealthy workplace for everyone. I was told that the RCMP wanted to destroy me, to ruin me financially or drive me to suicide. Not the best leadership practices.
“Cpl. Catherine Galliford, Cpl. Susan Gastaldo, Const. Alice Fox and Atoya Montague, a civilian employee, are all off-duty, suffering from post-traumatic stress.
In a letter sent to all Liberal MPs and senators, they outline their struggles in the RCMP and ask the Liberal government to step in.
“We’re asking your government to be the one that ends the abuse once and for all,” they wrote.”
Speaking up takes courage. Addressing the bullying tactic takes courage. If no one says anything then nothing changes.