A leader must lead by example. It seems that if we disagree with a political opponent we are labeled ‘—– Haters’. The United States has a new leader who has Tweeted and expressed himself over the last 18 months. People agree or can they disagree?
As a police officer and victim of sexual harassment, gender discrimination and poor leadership, I don’t like or agree with certain behaviours. In my opinion there is never an excuse for abuse. Why do people remain silent? For me I like having an opinion, to agree or disagree, it is my opinion. Why do people remain silent and support anyone who has misogynistic attitudes and comments? Good question. Bullying and targeting one group against the other is not a united house but divided with a weak foundation. Bullying is destructive. Again a leader must lead by example or become part of the problem. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and last time I checked the right to have an opinion to protest, the right to speak out is allowed and part of our Human Rights. The humanity of all citizens need to include all citizens. Perhaps there is hope for a change in behaviours.